High Altitude, High Quality

Browsing Archive: August, 2015

We've Moved!

Posted by Brenda Hedden on Saturday, August 15, 2015,
The pups moved out of our den yesterday and it to our family area.  They are now located just off of our kitchen and living room and can see, smell and hear our daily life.  They can also run around with me in these areas, which will be fun for them.  The transition was tough for them for about three hours.  They whined incessantly even with me in their to entertain them. They were not so much interested in exploring as they were just wanting out.  The first to use the new piddle pads at one ...
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We Can See and Hear: WooHoo!

Posted by Brenda Hedden on Sunday, August 9, 2015,
The puppies can now focus on me and I can no longer sneak in to the den.  They now see and hear everything, so life is changing for me.  Soon, they will move down to our main living area and enjoy the sites, sounds and smells of life in our home.

They are now interacting with each other.  They are all very gentle, and fairly steady on their legs.  They suck everything, paws, ears legs and anything they can attach their little suction mouth to.  They don't sleep in puppy piles any longer and ar...
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